Integral Inspirations
Projects inspired by an integral view
Films / Music / Books
Two Important Films
Fulfilling our Higher Evolutionary Potential
(65 minutes)
Official Conscious Trailer

Merit of Awareness
Award 2019
Los Angeles
Awareness Festival
Conscious was inspired by the work of Sri Aurobindo and Mirra Alfassa.
Conscious asks about our potential to achieve a leap in human consciousness, which might be both inevitable and essential if we are going to continue the human journey within the cosmic advance.
Stanislav Grof - Brian Thomas Swimme - Michael Murphy Aster Patel - Matthijs Cornelissen - and many more.
Enriched by beautiful photography and inspiring music, the film touches on diverse topics including cosmology, evolution, and spirituality, as well as addressing the role of love, art, and silence as vehicles to access a greater human potential.
Evolution is continuing and it does not seem to be by chance.

Now Available Worldwide Canada and India included
Special Price: The price is set with sensitivity to world economic inequities. If you select the Rent / Buy button
you will have the option to offer a little more, it is up to you.
Without Closed Captions
With Embedded Closed Captions
From some reviews of Conscious that have been posted:
“Having purchased the dvd and watched it twice I'm ready to watch it again.”
“The photography, artistic balance and inspirational interviews collaborate to gently open the heart.”
“The whole experience then, creates a sample of the new consciousness it seeks to express for the viewer to experience themselves.”
“Visually stunning, with an entrancing sound track, this video brings the viewer in to the world it is creating with the voice-overs and interviews, beautifully cut-in to make a seamless whole.”
“This visually beautiful film inspires you to think about human possibilities and spirituality. It is a film that can be watched and enjoyed numerous times.”
Integral Consciousness:
Sri Aurobindo's Yoga and how Haridas Chaudhuri brought it to the West
55 minutes - colour
Integral Consciousness Trailer
Integral Consciousness is the story of a spiritual philosophy developed by one of the greatest sages of the 20th Century, Sri Aurobindo - and how his yoga was brought to the West by Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri.
The film includes a history of Integral Yoga, from Sri Aurobindo's origins as a revolutionary leader determined to free India from British rule, to his founding an ashram at Pondicherry and the beginnings of Auroville.
The story also tells of Dr. Chaudhuri's twenty-five years in the US, bringing together East and West. The film presents pivotal figures in the US including Alan Watts and Michael Murphy, and recounts the birth of the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), the Esalen Institute, and the Cultural Integration Fellowship (CIF).
The second part of the film is a concise explication of Integral Yoga's key concepts such as Psychic Being, Supermind, and Conscious Evolution, all thoughtfully presented by highly regarded luminaries.
Integral Consciousness was shot in Pondicherry and Auroville, India, and in San Francisco, U.S.A.
Now Available Worldwide

Also available on Amazon and Amazon Prime
Special Price: The price was set low by some standards after consideration of world economic inequities. If you select the Buy button you will have the option to offer a little more, it is up to you.